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Impacts of Air Pollution

Air pollution can be both natural and man-made, and occur both indoors and outside. Although natural emissions of air pollution may impact upon the environment from time to time, for example though a volcanic eruption, it is most often man-made air pollution which can lead to poor air quality on a more regular basis

Outdoors, common air pollutants which affect ambient air quality include sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, particulate matter and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), emitted through the burning of fossil fuels for energy and transportation. Ozone, a secondary pollutant, is formed in the atmosphere near ground level when primary pollutants are oxidised in the presence of sunlight. The resulting cocktail of pollution can have detrimental effects on human health, wildlife and vegetation. Asthma is an increasingly common respiratory disease which may be triggered by air pollution. In addition, sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides may be converted into acids, and deposited as acid rain.

Indoors, poor ventilation can lead to a build-up of air pollutants, including carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide from faulty gas heaters and cookers, carbon monoxide and benzence from cigarette smoke, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from synthetic furnishings, vinyl flooring and paints. Like outdoor pollutants, indoor pollutants may also act as triggers for attacks of asthma. Since most of us spend up to 90% of the time indoors, indoor air quality could have a real bearing on our health.


Air Quality

Print Topic

Industry & Power
London Smog
Mould Spores
Natural Sources
Nitrogen Dioxide
Sulphur Dioxide
UK Air Pollution
UK Strategy
Vehicle Controls


have been rejected as a consequence. If wind power was to contribute a significant proportion to electricity demand, it is expected that many thousands or tens of thousands of extra turbines would need to be erected.

Siting wind turbines offshore, however, reduces their visual impact. Furthermore, Greenpeace believe that the full North Sea offshore wind potential is more than three times the current electricity consumption of the North Sea countries. If 1% a year of offshore resources for the North Sea countries were used to displace fossil fuels over the next 12 years (the end of the Kyoto Protocol first commitment period), a saving of 186 million tonnes per year of carbon dioxide emissions could be made, equal to over 10% of current emission rates. Such a resource would provide clean electricity for 6.5 million homes each year.

The Greenpeace report can be downloaded here.

Source: Greenpeace website; Global Environmental Chre.html">Temperature
Uplift of Air
Warm Fronts